Line 2@2x

16 Pigments – Polyptyque

Acrylic and pigment on metal
16x 14″x14″ in

16x 35x35cm


Stéphane Braud

The French artist Stéphane Braud, born in 1955, presents unique works on metal composed of acrylic and natural pigments. His paintings give his universe a raw realism with bright colors. They are a hypnotic invitation to look at a material simply and directly.

Stéphane Braud has created an original composition concept comprised of works with identical dimensions (13.8 x 13.8 in.) forming a single and unique wall panel to be presented in your home according to the space you desire. You can in this way create your unique work based on the colors of your choice and with infinite variations.

Stéphane Braud’S ARTWORKS
Line 2@2x
Stéphane Braud's  All artworks
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