Line 2@2x

Du feu dans la glace

Mixed media on metal

Size: 39,5”x39,5” in

100×100 cm



It is hard to be indifferent when looking at Thomar’s works. 

These sculpture pictures highlight his passion for caviar in an original and generous way. 

The boxes, which he has collected over time, become the actors of gastronomic scenes around which he brings the roe to life with a great deal of realism. 

Constant ballets, creamy runoffs, metal boxes, in turn, destructured or perfectly geometric, question or surprise us. 

Thomar’s works are an ode to a forgotten refinement that he likes to share with us by combining the authenticity of the materials with boldly modern graphics. 

It is a different way to discover this mythic and mysterious food, the crown jewel of a certain type of gastronomy whose history and actors have come down through the ages and the continents without caviar losing its magic.

Line 2@2x
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