Rendezvous from 13 to 28 May 2023

Loïc Allemand

New collection

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  • About

    We are delighted to present the new works, paintings of the artist Loïc Allemand.

    The exhibition will be held from May 13 to 28 2023 at 24 Place des Vosges,Paris.

    The preview showing with the presence of the artist will take place on

    SATURDAY MAY 13 2023 from 3pm to 8pm

    Discover all the works

    Download the exhibition catalogue

  • Would you like to make an appointment?

    Don’t hesitate to make an appointment to discover the artist’s work directly at the gallery.
  • About

    We are delighted to present the new works, paintings of the artist Loïc Allemand.

    The exhibition will be held from May 13 to 28 2023 at 24 Place des Vosges,Paris.

    The preview showing with the presence of the artist will take place on

    SATURDAY MAY 13 2023 from 3pm to 8pm

    Discover all the works

    Download the exhibition catalogue

  • Featured artworks

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    Featured artworks

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    Line 2@2x


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