Line 2@2x

Serpents d’eau – Hommage à Klimt

Mixed media on canvas

Size: 48” x 48” in

122 x 122 cm

Line 2@2x

Serpents d’eau – Hommage à Klimt



Abelardo is an artist who was born in Cuba. His work constantly oscillates between painting and sculpture.

With his three-dimensional style and his skillful mix of paint and volume, Abelardo pays tribute to major works of celebrated artists collected by museums worldwide and pop icons who come to life around collages and the superimposition of different materials (paper, board, wood, objects). Subtle assemblages that arouse our curiosity invite us to touch by casting a new glance at universal works that take on, in his passionate hands, an entirely new dimension.

Through his assemblages, Abelardo wishes to create the vision of a whole that he claims to recompose. His painting is impregnated by strength and colors demonstrating his spirit inflamed by life.

Line 2@2x
Abelardo's  All artworks
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