Line 2@2x

Franck Tordjmann

Music in a case that has become impalpable

Actualités de l’artiste

exposition du 7 novembre au 15 décembre 2019

brunch – dédicace
le 10 novembre 2019, à partir de 11h

vernissage – cocktail
le 7 novembre 2019, à partir de 18h

Music, like an impalpable air, is listened to and evaporates. We sometimes dream of being able to capture it, freeze it, to make it eternal, timeless. 

Franck Tordjmann realizes this dream through a series of sculptures in which instruments and music pose in a showcase of Plexiglas, freezing their lines and reflections, thus trapping their melodies.  

Transparency plays with light and we could almost imagine these instruments dancing, flying, breaking their fortress to emancipate their musical soul. 

It is a work of a remarkable mastery of an artist, a painter as well, who knows how to set aside the canvas to devote himself to volumes around enigmatic sculptures. 

After bronze, in which he could pay tribute to the artists of New Realism from whom he drew inspiration, Franck Tordjmann offers us unique works made of wood and Plexiglas from which a real feeling of poetic serenity radiates.


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